16 September 2008

Brad Pitt's True Blood

An argument sparked online as to whether or not the new HBO skein “True Blood” is a metaphor for homosexuality. There are indeed parallels. In “True Blood,” vampires have “come out of the coffin” to be recognized as one with the human society. Since the Japanese made synthetic blood called TruBlood (which are available in bottles at the nearest supermarket!), vampires have become less of a threat to humans. Humans have begun to accept them. However, there are still those that don’t. Hence, Vampire Rights is being fought for. In the opening credits, there is even a shot of a sign that says “God Hates Fangs,” which, according to one IMDB user, you can just take out the “n” and you get… that’s right.

Some viewers say it’s not just about homosexuality but the minority in general. Maybe it really is all about the latter, but in any case, I still believe it depends on the viewer. I prefer watching “True Blood” as a metaphor for homosexuality, because it speaks more to me that way. I’m not really in the minority anyway since I’m from the Philippines and I’m poor. So I’m part of the economic majority in my country and WE KICK ASS!

Unfortunately, I am not hypnotized yet by the TV show itself. Two episodes into it and I’m still hoping I’d develop an obsession. The show is created by Allan Ball and I was a huge fan of “Six Feet Under” and American Beauty. I want another Allan Ball craze in my life. I’m hoping that in time, the show would really surface as a metaphor for homosexuality and it would show something enormously true and fresh and relevant. For now, the only relevant thing is Anna Paquin (who plays the heroine Sookie Stackhouse). Her performance here is just so brilliant I’m sure the Oscar voters back in 1993 are now rejoicing that they gave her the Oscar statuette for Best Supporting Actress when she was still a girl of mere eleven; they made the right decision after all (unlike having Crash win in 2006).

In other gay news (this time not of metaphorical material), Brad Pitt just donated $100,000 in support of same-sex marriage [click here to read full story]. I really like it when someone clear-headed fights for something that isn’t even really any of his/her concern as he/she isn’t even directly affected. Gay rights does not really affect Brad Pitt as a straight male, but I’m glad he recognizes his need to be affected as a fellow human being.

This gets me into wondering, though, if gay rights is ever being fought for here in the Philippines. I don’t even think any group out there is fighting to have same-sex marriage legalized. Maybe if Danton Remoto were to become Senator, maybe then. Sadly, the Ladlad party list wasn’t even recognized as legit. I read the Editor’s Note for the book “Ladlad 3” and I just wanted to throw things all over, including my one-year-old nephew.

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