11 January 2009

Grammar Weekly - Toward or Towards? That Is the Question....

This segment shouldn't be called Grammar Weekly anymore, but rather, Grammar Sporadically. But because I don't really care what's right or wrong, I'm sticking with Grammar Weekly as it's more promising of something sooner, rather than something uncertain.

So our problem for this week is the use of toward and towards. When do we use one and when do we use the other? The answer is: it's still a mystery. There haven't been any concrete and self-confident claims regarding the usage of both words. But popular opinion maintains that toward is more American English, whilst towards is more British English.

Since we're in the Philippines, just use towards when speaking with an American so you can seem more foreign than necessary.

Until the next sporadic episode!

Lead Character

One of the many sources looked up online:


  1. i agree! but i always use both. i can't make up my mind. i don't have consistency.

    it's like "fragile." it took me like a year before i finally decided to use frageeeeeeel. hehehe

    but i prefer "toward" because i hate the sound of "anyways."

  2. is this you, cil? or tim???

    correct about anyways. i don't know if anyways and anyway also fall under the american/british bonanza (hehehe) but i think i read from an online dictionary that anyways is just for informal usage. like anywho...

  3. didn't realize that anywho is even a word... hehe.

    ummm... towards the new millenium... hahaha.. you really had me thinking.. after repeating "toward-towards" several times over in mah head.. it now sounds foreign and awkward..

    darn you, rye, for confusing me.. ahahaha.

  4. yeah. i know "anyway-anyways" was just my stupid analogy to my preference for "toward." i guess what i wanted to say was i prefer "toward" because i don't like the sound of "s" just like "anyways."

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  7. This is good stuff, valuable information. Please keep it going because we are looking forward to it.

    -Francis Oliverio, fashion designer, Cebu City, Philippines


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