08 June 2010

Lead Character Gets His First Ever Moleskine Notebook

Season 2 Episode 03


  1. wow.. a moleskin notebook. hmm.. i still don't get it though what makes this notebook so special compared to an aspen notebook that has kimpee deleon's picture as the cover.

    i know. im a cheapskate and im naive.

    on a more "intelligent" note, i love the concept of you blogging on your notebook and taking a snapshot of it and then post it in on your page, its just "divine."

  2. i won't actually do this regularly... just for this post kay naihas pa ko sa moleskine. jessica zafra's posted some entries off her notebooks as well (i'm just a copycat!).

    i don't get as well what makes moleskine so special. i mean, the ink blotted through! they brag about it being durable, as each one is hand-made, so that is still yet to be proven.

    i'm actually very comfortable with green apple notebooks and blue feather. aspen, i don't like... i just don't like the paper.

    but with moleskine, though, while writing entries, i get the feeling i'm hemingway, so i need to write well... what makes moleskine expensive is probably just the inspiration is brings out for some people.

    i don't think i'll make it a regular thing, though. i don't think i'll be buying another moleskine anytime soon. heheheh.

  3. love the word "Divine"....

    @Eyespy -- it suppose to encourage you to write like ernest hemingway..(spell check!) correct! hehehehe..

    @Lead -- ikaw na talaga! mahal ng moleskine ateh!

  4. i know! it's ridiculously expensive for a notebook. but so far, i'm not regretting it, so it's a good sign.

    i'll regret the purchase if never write anything hemingway-esque when i have all the pages filled up.

  5. you are right rye, i like having to look at your handwriting from afar. can hardly read a word. but i must agree, i love the concept. you're such a copycat! (throws water to your face) hehehehe...

  6. i'm more of a copy-pussy with my new pussy! hahahaha.

  7. hahaah... i like that you copy-pussy you!

  8. hi rye! good for you that you got yourself a moleskin. i plan on getting one but at least not for a while anyway. i'm still thinking it over as to what to put on the pages. but what i did buy though is a fountain pen, which i'm currently using to write my journal. once i get used to it, my handwriting won't be atrocious when i write in my moleskin. i totally agree that it's supposed to be the inspiration of hemingway that has propelled its price. love your blog, keep on writing.


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